Involvement of the Czech Republic in international rescue operations and the provision of humanitarian aid abroad

Humanitarian aid

Providing humanitarian aid is an integral part of the Czech Republic's foreign policy. Humanitarian aid abroad is provided according to the urgency of the situation and needs of the affected country, according to the possibilities of the economy, the available resources of the state budget, in accordance with the principles and resolutions of the international community and with its own priorities and interests.

The costs associated with the provision of humanitarian aid abroad are covered from the humanitarian aid budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

Depending on the nature of the disaster, the Minister of Foreign Affairs decides to release of the funds from this budget, up to 10 million CZK. In individual cases, the government of the Czech Republic must decide on the release of funds over 10 million CZK based on a proposal made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Legal regulation and institutional provision of humanitarian aid abroad

Humanitarian aid is governed by Act No. 151/2010 Coll. on international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance abroad. Humanitarian assistance abroad is the set of activities financed from the national budget in order to prevent loss of life and injury, to alleviate suffering and to restore basic living conditions after an emergency, to mitigate long-lasting consequences of emergencies and to prevent their occurrence and negative consequences.

Article 9 of Act No. 151/2010 Coll., on international development cooperation and humanitarian assistance abroad, the Ministry of Interior provides humanitarian aid to EU member states and other states of the European Economic Area and decides on its scope and form.

According to Article 7 of the Act No. 239/2000 on Integrated Rescue System and on modification of certain codes, in latter wording, the Ministry of Interior is involved in engagement of the Czech Republic into international rescue operations in emergencies abroad and in providing humanitarian assistance abroad, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Tasks of the Ministry of Interior are fulfilled through the MoI - General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic (MoI-DG FRS CR)

The Governmental Regulation No. 463/2000 on determination of rules for engaging in international rescue operations, on providing/receiving of humanitarian assistance, and on reimbursement of amounts incurred by other bodies (companies and/or entrepreneurs) for population protection, in wording of the Governmental Regulation No. 527/2002, giver binding provisions on engaging in international rescue operation.

The elaboration of these rules can then be found in a number of other documents and regulations, especially in government resolutions, resolutions of the State Security Council and in the instructions of the Director General of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic. 

Forms of humanitarian assistance

From a general point of view, we can talk about the following forms of immediate humanitarian aid:

– rescue (rescue teams),

– material,

– financial,

– advisory,

– combined.


During 2018, the expert assistance to Thailand was provided, assistance was offered to Sweden in forest fires fighting. Material assistance to Greece (fires) and Iran (floods) was provided in the first half of the year 2019. Bellow you can find a brief description of humanitarian aid provided during the last year.


The Czech Republic actively participated in the rescue mission in the Tham Luang Cave in northern Thailand, where twelve boys and their football coach were trapped by torrential rains. The Minister of Interior in agreement with the Directorate General of the Fire Rescue Service decided to dispatch two members of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic who flew to Thailand on Friday 6July 2018. Reconnaissance group of experts composed of David Kareš and Petr Vodička worked in Thailand from 6 to 11 July 2018, where the situation was assessed. The Czech Republic suggested in the initial stage assistance in form of high capacity pumps. The possibility of their deployment was refused by Czech experts because of the difficult terrain profile for water pumping with high capacity pumps. Subsequently, smaller type of high-performance sludge pumps and the necessary electrical and hoses lines were offered to the Thai side. Thailand eventually did not accept the Czech offer to help due to successful evacuation of all persons from the cave.


In the summer of 2018, Sweden was affected by extensive forest fires. In July, Sweden requested through the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre in Brussels for international assistance. The Czech Republic itself faced fires in the natural environment and was limited in the number of usable aircraft. Even though, the assistance was offered to Sweden in form of a helicopter with the crew. The Swedish party did not accept the offer of the Czech Republic due to massive assistance from other countries.


In September 2018, the government of the Czech Republic approved humanitarian aid to Greece under the law on foreign development cooperation and humanitarian aid provided abroad. The reason was the restoration of material after the devastating fires in the Kinetta area on 23 July 2018. The Minister of Foreign Affairs approved 5 million CZK from the Ministry's humanitarian budget for 2019. This humanitarian aid was implemented through the Directorate General of Fire Rescue Service. The Greek Fire Department identified the Fire Rescue Service in Megara for assistance. After consulting, one Ford Ranger Pick-Up 4x4, one Volkswagen Transporter 4 x 4 minibus, and other equipment needed to perform firefighting tasks in Megara, such as sludge pumps, flashlights, air compressors, pressure cleaners, footwear and other equipment for firefighters, were purchased. The humanitarian aid convoy set off from the Czech Republic on 22 May and the aid was officially handed over to Megara firefighters with the participation of the Czech Ambassador to Greece on 25 May 2019


From 9 to 10 April 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs decided to allocate 2 million CZK for material aid to Iran after the devastating floods, which the Directorate General of Fire Rescue Service released from its stock and ensured smooth provision of aid. It was handed over in the target country with use of the Czech Army aircraft. The requirement mainly concerned material for the affected population (tents, sleeping bags, kitchen sets) and the equipment for the liquidation of the consequences of floods (power generators, pumps, boats).

DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION Development cooperation is an important part of foreign policy of the Czech Republic. It promotes security, stability, prosperity and sustainable development as well as human dignity, good services to the citizens and good reputation of the Czech Republic abroad. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION WITH INVOLVEMENT OF THE FIRE RESCUE SERVICE PROJECT OF DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION “THE IMPROVEMENT OF OPERATIONAL COMPETENCE AND PROFICIENCY OF MOLDOVAN FIREFIGHTERS II“

  • Based on the previous cooperation between Civil Protection and Emergency Situation Service of Moldova and Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic, the project “The Improvement of Operational Competence and Proficiency of Moldovan Firefighters II“ was implemented in the time period from 2015 to 2018. This project was financed from the budget of the Czech Development Agency and primarily was focused on the training of Moldovan firefighters in interventions with HAZMAT and flood protection.
  • Main aim of this project was to establish functional training program, to provide training for Moldovan firefighters for the interventions with HAZMAT, to purchase material for safe and proper conduct of the interventions with HAZMAT and to purchase flood barriers and provide training in the area of flood protection. In 2016, purchases of material was executed and also a training facility was built to train interventions with HAZMAT in Moldova.
  • Trainings for calibration of the detection devices and for interventions with HAZMAT were organized in the Czech Republic and also in Moldova during the year 2016.
  • In 2017 the activities of the project were focused on operational centres - in particular gathering the relevant information from callers and the deployment of forces and means in the event of an accident with HAZMAT. Other project activities were aimed at providing first aid. One of the activities of the project was also focused on the principles of proper behaviour of citizens in the event of an accident involving HAZMAT, including combustion products. A set of recommendations were created for persons dealing with HAZMAT to eliminate the occurrence of an emergency and information support for intervening firefighters. Participation of the Czech CBRN module in the exercise MOLDEX 2017 was additionally included to the project. This exercise was organized in the frame of the European Union project PPRD East 2 (Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the Eastern Partnership Countries 2) in Moldova in September 2017.
  • Czech firefighters, during this exercise, co-operated with Moldovan colleagues in the emergencies related to the leakage of HAZMAT using the means purchased under this project.
  • In 2018, the project implementation was focused on flood protection. Mobile flood barriers were purchased by the Czech Development Agency based on the technical specification prepared by the experts of the FRS CR. In July, 10 Moldovan firefighters arrived in the Czech Republic to be acquainted with the barrier system. A one-week training focused on both flood protection and barrier construction took place in Zbiroh. In autumn, Czech firefighters went to Moldova, where a similar training was held in local conditions and for a bigger group of Moldovan firefighters. The project was completed at the end of 2018 and all activities were funded by the Czech Development Agency. The total project budget was CZK 18,120,400.
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Fire Recue Service of the Czech Republic has also joint Program of the Security development cooperation. This program is part of the official development assistance of the Czech Republic and it is funded from the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is led by the Ministry of the Interior. The program is aimed at strengthening partner structures and facilitating mutual cooperation, preventing safety and security threats or emergencies and indirectly promoting interests of the Czech Republic.



  • The aim of this cooperation is to inspire and help building the National Training Centre of the Office for Civil Protection, and the Emergency Situations Service of Moldova focused on the training of firefighters – rescuers, assessing the current state of volunteer firefighters and helping to implement new systems in Moldova. In 2018, the business trip to Moldova was undertaken to analyse their dispositions and suggest possible solutions to build a Training Centre and establish a voluntary firefighting system. As part of the planned establishment of a Training Centre in Moldova, the Moldovian side obtained experience of the Czech experts in the field, including the right and wrong solutions already explored. At the same time, both sides discussed the issue of voluntary fire brigades that almost do not exist in Moldova. The establishment, operation and functionality of voluntary units would have a positive impact on changes in self-government in this field, and better area coverage by forces and means would provide faster assistance to citizens. In 2019, representatives of the Moldovan service visited the Czech Republic, specifically the School and Training Facility of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic in Brno. During the 3-day visit, they had the opportunity to see the training facilities and simulators used by the Fire Rescue Service for firefighters training and they were introduced into the system of firefighters in the Czech Republic.
  • Partners have seen a functional firefighter training system and have gained lots of experience, leading to more efficiency in their decision-making processes.


Cooperation with Ukraine is implemented with the aim of renewing the equipment of the Transcarpathian firefighters by means of personal protection equipment, respectively small rescue equipment, thereby improving their material and technical capacities and intervention activities. The reason for choosing Ukraine, specifically the Transcarpathian region, is the historical interconnection of Transcarpathia with the Czech Republic (or Czechoslovakia), which is why the tourists from the Czech Republic are heading to this area. There is also the fact, that equipment of local firefighters is problematic due to the situation in the country and their support will strengthen the goodwill of the Czech Republic with the local population. In 2018, the firefighter helmets were handed over to Ukrainian firefighters. More helmets will be delivered during this year as well as power generators, chainsaws and mobile spotlights. The implementation of the projects improves the current equipment of the Transcarpathian firefighters, leading to an improvement in their ability to deal with emergency situations. In 2018, a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine was signed. The Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic plans to continue in this cooperation also in the future.

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Zásady pro vytváření odřadů Hasičského záchranného sboru ČR

Pro poskytování pomoci v rámci ČR a při zapojení ČR do mezinárodních záchranných operací jsou pokynem generálního ředitele HZS ČR č. 13 ze dne 7. 3. 2016, stanoveny zásady pro vytváření jednotek HZS ČR. Odřady jsou záchranné jednotky sestavené z hasičů nejméně dvou jednotek požární ochrany nebo z hasičů nejméně jedné jednotky PO a osob začleněných ve složce integrovaného záchranného systému nebo osob poskytujících osobní, resp. věcnou pomoc.

Pro poskytování záchranářské humanitární pomoci do zahraničí má HZS ČR předurčeny speciální odřady (tzv. moduly civilní ochrany). Mimo tyto odřady je HZS ČR připraven sestavit záchranné týmy např. pro hašení lesních požárů nebo pro pomoc při sněhové kalamitě a další.

Dle účelu nasazení se rozlišují tyto odřady:

  • vyhledávací a záchranné – z hlediska určení jednotky jde o jednotku pro vyhledávací a záchrannou činnost v obydlených oblastech (USAR jednotka – z anglického Urban Search and Rescue). Jednotky tohoto typu jsou klasifikovány podle metodiky INSARAG, kterou seČR zavázala akceptovat přijetím rezoluce Valného shromáždění OSN č. 57/150 ze dne 16. prosince 2002, o posílení efektivity a o koordinaci pomoci při mezinárodních vyhledávacích a záchranných operacích. Odřad využívá specialisty dalších složek integrovaného záchranného systému, konkrétně kynology se psy s platným atestem Ministerstva vnitra pro sutinové vyhledávání a lékaře,
  • požární – pro hašení požárů ropných látek, lesních požárů nebo zajištění náhradní činnosti za jednotky požární ochrany postiženého kraje nebo státu,
  • povodňové – pro provádění záchrany a evakuace osob z oblastí postižených povodněmi a pro odstraňování následků povodní nebo nadměrných dešťových srážek,
  • chemické a ekologické – pro zásahy na nebezpečné látky, včetně likvidace ropných látek z povrchu vodních toků a stojatých vod,
  • speciální – zajištění speciálních požadavků nad rámec možností výše uvedených druhů odřadů.
  • Moduly civilní ochrany předurčené jednotky dle požadavků mechanismu civilní ochrany Unie.

Moduly civilní ochrany ČR:

Vyhledávací a záchranné práce v obytných oblastech ve středně těžkých a v těžkých podmínkách – MEDIUM a HEAVY USAR modul

V rámci HZS ČR jsou vytvořeny speciální záchranné jednotky – USAR odřady (z anglického Urban Search and Rescue Team – vyhledávací a záchranný odřad do obytných oblastí). Hlavním úkolem USAR odřadu je záchrana osob z objektů zřícených vlivem různých jevů, zejména zemětřesením nebo výbuchem. USAR odřad je trvale připraven a schopen modifikace i pro jiný druh záchranných prací.

Členové odřadu jsou vycvičeni podle mezinárodních standardů. V říjnu 2010 byl českému USAR odřadu udělen certifikát INSARAG  Úřadu OSN pro koordinaci humanitární pomoci, deklarující úroveň HEAVY (nejvyšší úroveň připravenosti). Na základě tohoto certifikátu se CZERT USAR (Czech Emergency Respone Team se specializací USAR) může aktivně zapojovat do mezinárodních záchranných operací v zemích postižených katastrofou s následkem zřícení budov. V roce 2015 a nejnověji v roce 2023 proběhla úspěšná recertifikace toho odřadu.

Vysokokapacitní čerpání vody – HCP modul

Záchranná jednotka pro odčerpávání vody v zaplavených oblastech a na pomoc s dodáváním vody pro hašení požárů (HCP, z anglického High Capacity Pumping). U HZS ČR je HCP modul vytvářen z opěrných bodů HZS ČR pro velkoobjemové čerpání vody a dálkovou dopravu vody hadicemi a čerpání z velkých hloubek. HCP modul disponuje speciálními velkoobjemovými čerpadly (MČS Sigma 1500, MČS Sigma 400 a HFS Hydrosub).

Chemická, biologická, radiologická a jaderná detekce a odběr vzorků – CBRNDET modul

Úkolem modulu CBRNDET (CBRNODET, z anglického Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Sampling) je provádění počátečního posouzení nebezpečí nebo rizika, odběr vzorků, označení zamořené oblasti, prognóza situace a příspěvek k okamžitému snížení rizika souvisejícím s únikem látek CBRN (chemické, biologické, radiologické a jaderné). Odborná část modul CBRNDET je u HZS ČR vytvářena z opěrných bodů HZS ČR pro rozšířenou detekci nebezpečných látek (chemické laboratoře HZS krajů) a logistickou část zajišťují síly a prostředky USAR odřadu HZS hl. m. Prahy.

Povodňové záchranné práce s pomocí člunů – FRB modul

Jedná se o záchrannou jednotku určenou k pátrání a záchraně osob na vodě, včetně pomoci osobám uvízlým v zaplavených oblastech s pomocí člunů, poskytování pomoci nutné pro záchranu života a podle potřeby zajištění jejich základních potřeb. FRB modul je vytvořen u HZS Moravskoslezského kraje v rámci mezinárodního projektu s Velkou Británií a Holandskem.

Předsunutá zdravotnická jednotka – AMP modul

Ve spolupráci s Ministerstvem zdravotnictví je ve Fakultní nemocnici Brno vytvořen tzv. Traumateam ČR, který je mobilním posilovým zdravotnickým útvarem určeným k poskytování chirurgické, traumatologické a resuscitační péče a pomoci při popáleninových úrazech na místě hromadného neštěstí a katastrof v rámci mezinárodní humanitární pomoci v zahraničí, tzv. předsunutá zdravotnická jednotka (modul AMP, z anglického „Advanced Medical Post“). Logistickou, technickou a velitelskou podporu zajišťují těmto zdravotnickým specialistům členové USAR odřadu HZS hl. m. Prahy.

Certifikace modulů civilní ochrany

V rámci EU byl vytvořen systém tzv. souboru kapacit pro odezvu na mimořádné události (EERC – European Emergency Response Capacity), které jsou předurčeny pro poskytování mezinárodní pomoci. Do tohoto souboru je možné zaregistrovat moduly civilní ochrany, které prošly tzv. certifikací. Certifikace je proces, který byl EU vytvořen a zaručuje, že moduly civilní ochrany splňují určité podmínky. O certifikaci je nutné zažádat, doložit potřebnou dokumentaci, absolvovat štábní cvičení a poté polní mezinárodní cvičení, které jsou financované a pořádaném Evropskou komisí. 

Česká republika má do tohoto souboru kapacit zaregistrované moduly – Heavy a Medium USAR (06/2015), FRB (12/2016) a AMP (02/2016).